- Producer : François Robidoux-Descary
- Content producers : S. Iannuzzi, F. Robidoux-Descary et G.Bergeron
- Conceptor and director : Sébastien Iannuzzi
- With the participation of : TV5 Québec Canada
- DOP : Gabriel Bergeron
- Additional camera / drone operator : François Robidoux-Descary
- Editor : Gabriel Babin
- Color correctioon : Post-Moderne (Charles Boileau)
- Graphic design : Alexandre Boisvert
- Sound design / mixing : Réservoir Audio (François Del Fante)
To discover the human behind the bottle
Vif presents the universe and the approach of passionate winegrowers. The 6 episodes transport us between France and Quebec and make us discover the human adventure behind the best vintages: Matthieu Beauchemin from Domaine du Nival, Jo Landron from Domaines Landron, Michael Marler and Véronique Hupin from Vignobles les Pervenches, Florent Lançon from Domaine de la Solitude, Mario Pelchat and Claire Lemaître-Auger from Domaine Pelchat-Lemaître-Auger and Emmanuel Rybinski from Clos Troteligotte.

Vif was filmed in France as well as in Quebec, between spring and fall 2019. The complete series was broadcasted by TV5/Unis.
Have a look at this article about the series from La Presse.